Seance Night
Interpret visions and give a restless spirit the closure they deserve. See how well you can read the minds of your companions. Award-winning and intriguing, you don’t even need to speak to play this one.
Good for: a diverse group of players looking for a more indepth “Who done it.”
Time to learn: 40 Minutes (less if someone has played before)
Game Length: about 45 minutes
Number of Players: 2-7 people
Suggested age: 10+
Other Notes: A great game for a family or party with a range of players. Feel like a more in depth version of Clue. Very thematic.
The box includes a game, snacks for 6 or 10 people depending on selection, a quick start video to get you playing as fast as possible, a playlist, and a few accessories to make your game night successful.
Snacks may not be the same as those shown.
Interpret visions and give a restless spirit the closure they deserve. See how well you can read the minds of your companions. Award-winning and intriguing, you don’t even need to speak to play this one.
Good for: a diverse group of players looking for a more indepth “Who done it.”
Time to learn: 40 Minutes (less if someone has played before)
Game Length: about 45 minutes
Number of Players: 2-7 people
Suggested age: 10+
Other Notes: A great game for a family or party with a range of players. Feel like a more in depth version of Clue. Very thematic.
The box includes a game, snacks for 6 or 10 people depending on selection, a quick start video to get you playing as fast as possible, a playlist, and a few accessories to make your game night successful.
Snacks may not be the same as those shown.
Interpret visions and give a restless spirit the closure they deserve. See how well you can read the minds of your companions. Award-winning and intriguing, you don’t even need to speak to play this one.
Good for: a diverse group of players looking for a more indepth “Who done it.”
Time to learn: 40 Minutes (less if someone has played before)
Game Length: about 45 minutes
Number of Players: 2-7 people
Suggested age: 10+
Other Notes: A great game for a family or party with a range of players. Feel like a more in depth version of Clue. Very thematic.
The box includes a game, snacks for 6 or 10 people depending on selection, a quick start video to get you playing as fast as possible, a playlist, and a few accessories to make your game night successful.
Snacks may not be the same as those shown.